Continental Breakfast
“ Attack bear press is proud to announce the launch of “continental breakfast” by Miguel Bacho and translated by Ramón j. Stern
This is a stunning collection of bilingual poetry by an amazing voice, that we are proud to partner with. If you wish to get a copy DMS or check our website and congratulations to Miguel.”
Miguel Bacho Cabezas
Miguel Bacho Cabezas was born in Iquique, Chile, in 1986. There, he participated in several local initiatives, such as Literary Caravans to Cochabamba and La Paz, Bolivia in 2010. In 2013, the Universidad Nacional de Lanús Press in Argentina published his first book of poems, Papeles Sueltos. Half of this printing was sent to Iquique’s public Libraries. Between August and October of 2016, Miguel collaborated with the website in the section Crónicas Urbanas. He is currently working on his second book, Labores, which he hopes to publish in 2017. In addition to his manuscript, Miguel is finishing his website, a selection of articles, poetry and collaborations.